Words, Wordle, Visual Word Maps

For those of you who have read some of my previous posts, you may recall I’ve mentioned the program Wordle, which is a free online app that lets you create a word map from a selection of text. And if you’ve read my most recent posts, you know a current topic of interest is visual thinking.

Well, now that both the Democrat and Republican presidential conventions are over, and with just about 8 weeks to go till the next U.S. president is elected, with the aid of a visual word map, here is a look at how the content of the conventions stack up. (p.s. Thanks to Andrew G for sending the link to this article.)

The graphic comes from, and you can read a few sentences of accompanying text, as well as see it full size, at: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2008/09/04/us/politics/20080905_WORDS_GRAPHIC.html

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