
The SharpBrains blog is part of SharpBrains, whose “mission is to provide independent, research-based, information and guidance to navigate the growing cognitive and brain fitness market.” The links below are from 2008 and 2012, when I had the pleasure of being a semi-regular contributor to the blog.

5-15-12 On Music, Dopamine, and Making Sense of Sound
5-10-12 Music as Therapy: Music, Movement, Cognition!

12-19-08 5 Tips on Lifelong Learning & the Adult Brain

11-12-08 Neuroplasticity and the Brain That Changes Itself

10-7-08 Teaching is the art of changing the brain

9-5-08 Reorganizing School Schedules: Start Times, Light, Scheduling

8–26–08 Resources for Brain Health Across the Lifespan
8-7-08 Neurogenesis and Brain Plasticity in Adult Brains

7-20-08 Learning & the Brain: Resources for Educators
7-3-08 10 Brain Tips That Help Me Teach and Learn

2 thoughts on “Sharp

  1. Nancy Knop

    I found your impressive website through SharpBrains. I have attended Learning and the Brain Conferences for many years and have been speaking for the last couple of years about the brain and math learning. I am speaking in San Francisco in February and participating in a pre-conference workshop with Making Math Real both in San Francisco and in the May D.C. conference. Perhaps we will have a chance to meet! I was a teacher for 23 years (science) and developed interest the same way you have.

  2. Olivia Cheever

    I heard to speak at the April ’08 conference on the Brain at Harvard University. I am trying to contact you but have misplaced
    my business card that your gave me. Could you please give me
    phone number or email address to contact you. I am attending
    next weekend conference and have some questions for you.

    Not sure if you check this email or your staff. I hope they check it daily.

    Again, I am Olivia Cheever, Feldenkrais and Bones for Life.
    781-449-1410. Thanks you

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